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Studying in general can be stressful, let alone doing it in a different country with a different curriculum. Everyone has a different approach towards studying, and it is best to know what works for you and what does not. As an international student, it is very essential for you to understand how to create a balance between academic and social life, without building up any last minute stress. Implementing an efficient strategy to study is very crucial as final exams mostly account for 40-60% of your grade in most Australian educational institutions. Remember that the key is to study smarter, not harder.
1. Start early As an international student, you might be fascinated with exploring Australia. However, it is also crucial to keep in mind how you will manage your plan and strategy for studying. It is recommended to start early to be in a stronger position when it’s time for assessments, especially final exams. In addition, being a non-native student might result in you taking more time to get used to Australia’s education system unlike your local classmates.
2. Form a study group If you have any questions, ask it out! It may seem scary at first, but there is no need to hesitate when asking your lecturers or friends to help you in your studies. It is even better to make your study as a social activity by making a study group with your friends and other international students. In a study group, you can motivate each other, ask and answer questions, and create an enjoyable space where you can gain more knowledge and experience more quickly. It can even improve your learning curve and your brain’s retention of information. This way you can kill two birds with one stone as you’re able to both study and build connections with your friends!
3. Get organized Before you start studying, it is better to get things organized. Ensure that you have all your reference study material such as lecture slides, books, and your even stationary ready before you start. Create a schedule which indicates how much you will study or revise on a daily basis. Keep it as realistic as possible by keeping in mind the other activities you might be involved in. If you can, display your plan in your table or near your study area to keep you reminded. If you prefer studying digitally on a laptop, try not to close all unnecessary tabs. It is very important for you to avoid getting distracted by social media, emails, messaging or any similar activities.
4. Mock tests If you can, get your hands on a sample or previous years’ assessment papers to practice as much as possible. These papers are usually supplied by your lecturers in order to familiarize you with the assessment settings such as the pattern and structure of the questions. You can also time yourself to see how well you fare.
5. Use your university resources and support services It is recommended for you to make maximum use of the available study resources. Most universities in Australia provide international student support service which includes specialist staff like counsellors and advisers. These specialist staff can help you to deal with any personal or academic issues you’re facing.You can also attend on-campus workshops and conferences related to your field. Keep in mind that faculty members in Australian universities are extremely supportive and approachable. They can be easily contacted to clear any doubts or queries.
6. Don’t over study This is the most crucial thing that you need to understand. More is not always good. Some students tend to over study under the pressure of performing well. This may lead to poor eating habits, stress, and lack of proper sleep which can eventually result in lower grades. As a student, you need to understand when to stop. Remember, eating healthy and getting enough sleep are also as important as studying before an exam. Keep in mind that as long as you do your best and take care of your own condition, everything should go well.
Goodluck with your studies!