Study Tips for International Students in Australia
Study Tips for International Students in Australia
Step 2
Step 3
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget risus porta, tincidunt turpis at, interdum tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce ante tellus, convallis non consectetur sed, pharetra nec ex.
I really recommend students who are seeking to study in Australia to use Time Study’s service. All of the staff are very nice and proactive in answering my questions. They also provided guidance and helped me to settle when I first moved in from Japan to Australia. Now, I’m a third year student studying in one of Melbourne’s top universities. Thank you Time Study!
Time Study has helped me to get a working visa in Australia. When I first read the qualifications required for the visa, I am overwhelmed with the complexity of the process. However, the application process through Time Study was relatively quick and simple, I just had to prepare some documents and leave it to their agents.
We have more than 15 years of experience in dealing with various education and migration-related matters. All our agents are fully qualified, either as Professional Registered Migration Agents (RMAs) or Professional Education Agents, making them experts in their fields.
Study Tips for International Students in Australia
Interesting Facts about International Students in Australia
All institutions offering education to international students are required by Australian law to provide support services. The purpose of this support facility is to help international students study and adapt to their new home in Australia.