Study Tour
5 key benefits of joining a Study Tour in Australia:
Study Tours in Australia offer students a passport to success. Packed with real educational benefits like English language skills and personal development, Study Tours help students develop into global citizens
1. English language skills
The immersive nature of a Study Tour gives students the benefit of using and improving English language skills through discussion and innovative learning resources.
2. Academic advantage
Students participating in Victorian Study Tours explore new ways of thinking. This clarity and focus is a skill for life and is central to reaching academic potential.
3. Leadership ability
Setting and achieving goals, exploring personal strengths and forging new pathways are among the personal attributes Study Tour students gain over their peers.
4. New global awareness
The experience of living in an Australian household and joining the local community awakens student appreciation of different cultures and lifestyles.
5. Growth in confidence
Study Tour students grow in self-confidence that helps them achieve success.
Why take a Study Tour?
Study Tours put students on the fast train to academic achievement. A renowned learning destination, Australian educators know international students have special goals and aspirations. That is why each Study Tour is created to ensure students enjoy a growth journey from the outset. Study Tours also contribute to students developing the life experience and personal characteristics that set them apart as people. By mapping out and achieving personal ambitions along the way, students discover in themselves the application they need to achieve life learning goals. Each study tour program is unique. Each Study Tour program is crafted to accommodate group learning goals. Hence, despite the duration of the study tour, every student takes home a suitcase full of educational advantages.
Typically, a short-term study tours last between 1-4 weeks and includes:
Study tour is a unique short-term travel experience that combines learning with travelling. During their visit, students can improve English skills, experience Australian culture, and build international friendship. Key benefits for students is not limited to:
- Improved English language skill
- Gaining academic advantage
- Discovering leadership ability
- Growing international awareness
- Newfound student confidence
Study Tour Themes
To provide students with the utmost educational advantage, a range of themed Study Tours is available. While the benefits of the study tour remains the same, the details and excursion visited may slightly differ. Of course, each study your, regardless of the theme, is still unique. Study Tours provide the flexibility to build a custom program of your desired duration. A full Study Tour may even include several different themes, to give students a whole learning experience.
Science and Technology
Penguin Mission and Penguin Parade – Phillip Island Nature Park
A learning adventure in which students discover the life of the little penguin and how the nature park manages their habitat. Highlights include Penguin Parade at dusk, when hundreds of little penguins emerge from the sea. Students take home a penguin foot plaster cast and bandana designed by their group.
Mission to the Orbiting Space Lab – Victorian Space Science Education Centre
Students become research scientists and Mission Controllers aboard an orbiting space lab. Take fitness tests and make medical assessments before blast off to maintain Space Station safety.Conduct scientific experiments to help humankind understand our earth, solar system and universe.

Performing and Visual Arts
Arts Immersion – Malthouse Theatre, Chunky Move and Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
A distinctive cross-arts program using recent ACCA work to springboard students into exploring a central theme through visual arts, dance and performance. Students work with practicing artists from each centre over three separate workshops. Video Clip Producer.
The Arts Centre, Digital Learning Hub
Students experience first-hand the latest in video editing trends as they combine audio and video to create a music clip. Editing skills are focused on artistic interpretation before the final version is recorded on DVD to take home.
Leadership and Sports
Student Leadership – WorkshopStride Foundation
A one day exploration into what it means to be a leader and the qualities of good leadership. Students learn skills like public speaking, active listening and how to brainstorm as they work together on problem-solving planning and strategy.
Meet a Lifeguard and Beach Program – Life Saving Victoria
Meet a Lifeguard is an interactive indoor workshop during which students learn about good decision making to safely enjoy inland, pool and coastal aquatic environments. Safety, rescue and Sunsmart messages are all incorporated.